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Thursday, July 24, 2008

How To Get Laser Hair Removal Information

Laser hair removal gained most popularity from 1997 when it was approved to be a safe method to remove hair. However, its practice had started 20 years earlier but, with no guarantee of safety and effectiveness. Laser removal of hair marked a totally new chapter from the way people did it. Traditional methods are still widely used but, the laser is very popular in developed countries. Unwanted hair is usually removed from various parts of the body and they include face, chin, abdomen, chest, toes, hands, bikini lines and so many other parts. The laser rays work by detecting the melanin which is present in skin naturally. The success of hair laser removal depends on the individual and this might also depend on the type of laser that is being used on you.

This business has attracted people who are not qualified to undertake the treatments due to the many promising prospects. There are places where you can go to get professional laser hair removal and it depends on how well you do your research on the facility. The removal of hair using this method takes several sessions depending on the kind of laser that is being used. The treatment can help clear other conditions like pseudofolliculitis barbae which is the growth of hair inside the skin. It is often also referred to as shaving bumps. Another condition that laser has been seen to be helpful in is pilonidal cysts. It is expensive to get laser hair removal in most developing countries but, in the richer countries, it is fairly affordable depending on the scale you want it removed in.

The internet is a good place to get laser hair removal information. You will get to see the most commonly asked questions and they include whether hair removal by laser hurts. Specialists say that you will experience something they refer to as a sensation as the laser energy gets absorbed in your skin producing heat. Also some parts will hurt more than others and the darker the skin and hair, the more you will experience the sensation. This is because more heat will be produced. The other question which is commonly asked is whether laser hair removal causes scaring. Before the procedure, you need to read carefully your consent form and you will see that it is possible for the procedure to cause scarring. Chances of this are minimal and they will be caused by several factors.

The factors include the competence of the person performing the procedure on you. The type of laser used is also factored in if the scarring occurs. Your ability to heal and the quantity of melanin you have in your skin will also play a major role. After the procedure, there might be discoloration of the skin which can either be lighter or darker. This condition is however temporary and in rear cases, it could be permanent. The cost will depend on the number of times you have a procedure done and, the number of times will depend on how successful your treatment is from the beginning.

By: Muna wa Wanjiru

Laser Hair Removal - What You Need To Know

Why is laser hair removal more effective than waxing or shaving?

Traditional hair removal techniques, such as shaving, plucking and waxing, provide only temporary results. Some physicians do not recommend waxing for persons who suffer from diabetes, varicose veins or have poor circulation as they are more susceptible to infection.

Laser Hair removal safely removes unwanted hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. The laser emits a beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicles where it is absorbed. The laser energy is transformed into heat. This destroys the hair follicle leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. The laser beam can not penetrate past dermis (second layer of skin). This laser beam is unable to reach any internal organs so it is completely safe.

After a series of treatments the follicles become sterile which prevents the reproduction of further hair growth.

Hair will grow back lighter and finer with each treatment. Skin will remain smooth and hair free for up to 6 week between treatments.

It takes anywhere between 6 to 8 treatments to achieve up to 90% hair loss. 2-3 Maintenance visits a year is recommended.

Laser hair removal is much more effective solution.

What problems do some people experience from shaving, that they wouldn't with laser hair removal?

Some of the most common drawbacks of waxing are ingrown hairs, infections, red bumps, and minor bleeding.

Hair that has been cut by a razor looks thicker because it has been cut at a sharp angle. For the same reason it feels stubbly as the hair starts to grow back. The stubble can make the hair seem thicker. Because a shaved hair has a blunt end, and because hair is often darker near the root, there is a common belief that shaving causes hair to grow back thicker, faster and more noticeable. Regrowth usually occurs within 2-3 days.

There are other drawbacks, such as red shaving bumps. These often occur because there are oil glands attached to nerve endings, which are easily irritated.

Razor Burn, this can occur when you're pressing too hard or if you shave with a blunt blade or with a blade that’s been left open allowing bacteria to inlay.

Why you won't get ingrowns from laser hair removal (and why laser treatment help treat folliculitis a condition commonly known as ingrown hairs).

Ingrown hairs usually resemble acne and are distinguished by raised, red bumps which can occasionally flare-up, or whiteheads. As the hair grows under the skin, it blocks the pore and allows bacteria to breed, therefore creating a pimple.

Laser passes through the skin to the hair follicle, where the follicle absorbs the heat destroying the hair and any bacteria.

Lasers are successfully used to target specific structures within the skin, without causing damage to surrounding tissue. This provides gentle, non-invasive and long-lasting results.

Why is the skin smoother from laser hair removal?

Processes such as waxing, plucking, tweezing, or close shaving routinely can cause Folliculitis (skin condition in which there are inflamed hair follicles). This condition results in a tender red spot, often with an angry surface pimple. Using Laser on the infected area will help the healing process and kill the bacteria in the follicle. . It is common practice for doctors to recommend laser treatment. It’s the only medical way to treat ingrown hairs.

Laser hair removal actually destroys the hair at the root, and over time will eliminate all hair growth in the area treated leaving your skin silky smooth, no ingrowns, no scaring, no marking. It takes several treatments which are every 6 weeks, please be patient because the end result is worth it.

Remember to never pick at an ingrown hair as you will cause more infection and that could become quite serious.

How effective is Laser on larger parts of the body? (legs, arms)

Laser hair removal is a technique that makes it possible to rapidly treat a very large area of the body all within the one session and gradually deteriorating the hair.

Areas such as arms and legs are quickest to respond to the treatment.

Winter is the best time of the year to start laser treatment on large areas (minimum sun exposure). So by summer you can be free of unwanted hair and those painful ingrowns.

Can laser hair removal treat birthmarks/lesions?

Melanin is what gives our skin and hair its color. Pigmented lesions are dark in colour simply because melanin is abnormally concentrated in one area of the skin. High concentrations of melanin can be due to various factors. Some types are present at birth, but most occur with age or as a result of overexposure to the sun.

Not all birthmarks/lesions can be treated by laser however some will achieve excellent results.

You will need a consultation. Your therapist will examine the area that you are wanting to treat and provide you with an assessment and the expected success of the treatment.

I have a hormonal problem. Would laser work for me?

Females who are experiencing PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) may experience slower results unless they receive medical support along with the laser treatment. However after 4-6 treatments they will notice dramatic reduction. Your hair will grow slower and much finer.

These female clients can achieve excellent results over the entire body, but to remain hair free on the face, "touchup" treatments are required every three (3) to six (6) months throughout life.

Why is it a great option for men?

Laser hair removal can certainly be beneficial for men. Unwanted back hair, thick or excessive chest hair can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. More and more men with excessive hair feel self-conscious in today’s “beach culture” and therefore search for more effective and longer lasting hair removal solutions.

There are many solutions that are available on the market today. However, Tweezing or waxing can be impractical and often results in unattractive breakouts or infections. Shaving leads to the quick reappearance of stubble. Laser hair removal is becoming increasingly more popular. The treatment is simple and effective offering long term results.

Men who dislike shaving can also benefit from laser facial hair removal. In addition to eliminating the need to shave every day it will also prevent irritation and the development of folliculitis, in which one or more hair follicles become inflamed.

We recommend at least 6-8 treatments, 6 weeks apart for a significant reduction, providing you are committed to your treatment every 6 weeks. However, if you wish to achieve up to 80% hair loss, you may require up to 12-15 treatments due to the higher levels of testosterone in the body.

Choose Genuine Laser

To achieve best results be sure to choose genuine Laser for hair removal. GentleLASE delivers a laser beam on a specific wavelength. The energy that is used is much more effective and safer in destroying the hair follicle.
IPL/ SPL(Pulse Light Systems) machines deliver a wide range of wavelengths and have a higher risk in damaging skin at higher energy levels. These wavelengths only operate at a superficial depth.

By: Ellen Alexander

The Many Places You Can Do Hair Removal In Washington DC

There are very many spots for hair removal in Washington Dc and they include American University Park, Columbia Heights, Friendship Heights, Dupont Circle, Foggy Bottom, Foxhall, Spring valley, Shaw, Logan Circle, George Town, Wesley Heights, West End and these are just a few. There are very many men and women who get hair removed every week in Washington Dc. The purpose for this removal is to give way to clear skin without any worries of wearing a mini skirt for women. Females are more affected by unwanted hair because it is so unnatural when it grows on the face or chin. Therefore to solve the problem hair removal is necessary. There are two major ways of doing this and one can have a permanent hair removal or a temporary one. Temporary removal does not work in the long term.

The more permanent methods are mainly laser treatments. There are very many companies running businesses of hair removal in Washington Dc and not all offer the ideal service. The pigment of your skin and the hair on it will determine whether you qualify for the procedure. Firstly, you need to be an adult in many treatment facilities and you need to be in good health. Another factor to consider is whether you want hair removed in all parts of your body or whether you want hair removed on the face, arms or legs. When summer is near, most women go for hair removal on the bikini line and if they are going to have some ocean experience, they can do it in the best way possible. The first thing is to know your specialist well.

If you type hair removal in Washington Dc on the internet, you will find not only testimonials but, reviews on certain spots. Usually, it is helpful to find out about the treatment by reading consumer reviews. Another way of getting a good place to have your hair removed in Washington Dc is to have friends recommend a place. You will find out whether they have the right service and whether it works. So many treatment spots have acquired a good reputation for themselves, while others have been known to offer poor quality service. When you are getting the actual laser procedure, you will not feel any pain and there are no major side effects. Some of the side effects that have been reported are redness and headaches. However, this have been considered to be minor.

You will know the procedure is successful when you realize that no hair is growing and you will start to get excited. Women will probably get those cloths that they have wanted to wear for a long time and men will definitely feel more confident. Hair removal in Washington Dc is clearly helping many get on with their lives. The business has expanded as the demand for looking great continues to grow. Many more laser inventions are being realized the latest working 7 times faster that the older ones. There are so many resources that you can refer to on the internet and, they will definitely go a long way in empowering you make a good decision. If nothing else, put safety first.

By: Muna wa Wanjiru

How Safe Laser Hair Removal Works

The word laser is an acronym for: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. It's a device that creates and amplifies a narrow, intense beam of coherent light: light that is of one frequency. Lasers are commonly used in medical science and more recently in cosmetic procedures like hair removal.

In a laser, the atoms or molecules of a crystal, such as ruby or garnet, are excited in what is called the laser cavity so that more of them are at higher energy levels than are at lower energy levels.

Reflective surfaces at both ends of the cavity permit energy to reflect back and forth, building up the power in each passage.

With laser hair removal the laser penetrates the top layer of dermis with a specific wavelength of light (as opposed to multiple wavelengths used in Intense Pulse Light treatments), targeting melanin in the hair follicle.

A hair follicle is a sac from which a hair grows and into which the sebaceous (oil) glands open. The follicle is lined by cells derived from the epidermal (outside) layer of the skin.

Each air follicle normally goes through a five-year cycle of growth and rest, with about 90 percent of the follicles growing hair at any one time, averaging about 15 cm of growth per year.

Also called pigment, melanin is a substance that gives the skin and hair its natural color. It also gives color to the iris of the eye, feathers, and scales.

In humans, those with darker skin have higher amounts of melanin. By contrast, those with less pigment have lighter or more fair skin coloring.

Melanin provides many benefits to human beings. One of the most recognised benefits involves ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Melanin provides a natural protection against the harmful effects of these rays. However, it does not provide complete protection from the sun, and individuals with darker skin tones are still at risk from the sun's damaging rays.

When the laser hits the melanin it damages and destroys the regrowth potential of the hair follicle. The specific wave length of light (755nm) enhances the accuracy of the treatment and gives far superior results. At 755 nanometres the laser can achieve the best penetration into the hair follicle. For people with dark hair and light skin, this is the ultimate in hair reduction.

The new 755 nanometre hair removal laser uses a special cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin during, and after, laser exposure.

This is why the treatment is regarded as a lot less painful than other treatments. Some patients have compared the treatment to the sensation of the snap of a rubber band.

For your safety, the ownership and operation of lasers in most Australian States is highly regulated. Clinics need to have an owner's license, clinic license, safety officers, licensed operators and licensed equipment, which is why very few clinics are fully licensed.

By: John Hacking

Laser Hair Removal Cost Is Determined By The Following Factors

Laser hair removal cost is quite high but, not totally out of reach. If you have had a procedure done on you, you probably have an idea of how the cost is like. Costs are never similar and they vary from one clinic to another. Other things that determine a price are the location and the length area you want the hair to be removed. The first thing you need to consider before you think of the cost of removing hair by laser is the laser clinic you plan to attend. You need to make the right decision otherwise, you might pay and not get the value for your money. Even worse, you might end up with serious complications from neglect and poor service. The facility must firstly be legal and must have qualified staff who have reasonable experience in performing the laser procedure.

Searching for a good facility will allow you to compare laser hair removal costs and you will go for the one that will suit your budget. When you have read good reviews about a potential place, it is worth checking out. The cost can be paid per section for several sessions or it can be packaged and discounted. Do not go into major debts because of the procedure. Have a plan that will have you pay the cost comfortably. It is vital to know the method of payment as you settle your laser hair removal cost. Many clinics offer free consultation services and, if you find that the one you have chosen charges, the beauty of it is that you have an option to go for a better deal. The cost may be at a flat fee and this means that if you are getting the procedure done on the legs, it does not matter the amount of hair removed you will still pay the flat fee.

Others will gage the laser hair removal cost on the duration of the procedure and, this means the longer you stay at the treatment spa, the more you pay. Therefore, if the specialist working on you is slow together with his equipment, you have to pay more for it. It is especially helpful to find a plan that is going to be very suitable for you. Laser hair removal cost can also be judged by the pulse. A pulse is made when the laser goes or fires and, one will take one second. Generally, different clinics have different styles and in some, you while be required to pay in advance. Making sure you are in agreement with the cost is vital for your procedure to take off.

Do not forget that you can choose facilities that offer discounts and other offers. In the process of doing this, do not compromise on the quality of service. If you have any question pertaining to the topics of cost, you can inquire online, and you will get your answers. Sometimes clinics tend to exaggerate the offers therefore, confirm every statement on their sites and come up with conclusive and factual information about cost.

By: Muna wa Wanjiru

Laser Hair Removal Prices Are Dependent On These

Laser hair removal prices vary from place to place, they also depend on which part of the body is being worked on. Rural and urban prices will also differ and therefore, it is very hard to tell the exact prices and the internet provides only estimates so that you can have a general idea of what to expect. laser hair removal is definitely not cheap and, if you plan to have a procedure done, plan in advance and you will make to pay for it. The procedure is expensive because of the advanced equipment used. The technology is top notch and it has not yet gained too much popularity around the world. Laser clinics have therefore invested a lot to provide every necessary tool needed to oversee a successful laser hair removal.

The more advanced the equipment is, the more you expect to pay for the procedure. In many facilities, the consultation is usually free and the other costs will be clearly laid out for you. You can either pay the cost of the session, or you can pay a full package of the whole treatment plan. The package is usually discounted and it is upon you to choose the most convenient method. Depending
on the facility, many packages are paid in full and in advance. Do not forget on the mode of payment which is vital and if they have other offers, they will certainly let you know. The best thing is to compare prices on the internet and choose the most affordable. You will keep in mind quality of the service.

It will also be vital to know the duration of the procedure and together with laser hair removal prices, the duration is included. You will get to know which procedures are most expensive when you have your list of hair removal prices. The bigger the space you want worked on, the more expensive the procedure. You will find laser hair removal prices for lip, chin, arms, underarm, bikini line, eyebrows, sides of the face, abdomen, ears, nose, beard, legs and the list is endless. There are prices that are too high and you feel it might be an exploitation. You can only avoid such places and let those who can afford it get the services. The key word about good laser clinics with a fair price is credibility.

You can buy gift certificates and going to the various sites will reveal so many offers. Do not forget that just like any other service or product, laser hair removal prices are competitive and you can go for the discounted ones. Read all the reviews you can find about a particular laser clinic and compare them. At some time, you have to forget the high price you have to pay for a procedure to be done, and, focus on the results. The money will be well worth it when you are pleased with the results. Make sure you plan well for your payments. Do not go in debts if you can not repay comfortably. Finally, prepare yourself well for the procedure and attend every sessions that follows. If everything goes well, you will not regret going to all the trouble.

By: Muna wa Wanjiru